P is for Phoebe Phalange

First draft. Stay tuned for updates.


I’m suddenly seeing Phoebe in a whole new light. Fuck everyone else. Monica has suburbia family fever, Rachel is bratty, Joey is lovable but dumb and too shallow, Ross is so insecure it hurts, and Chandler, well his face reminds me of an abusive alcoholic ex. But Pheobe? Phoebe! What a breath of fresh air! She’s spiritual, independent, a quirky artist, Aquarius, sexual, her alter-ego is a cigarette sucking workaholic...oh my God...I’m her!

Maybe I was a bit harsh on the others but you get my point. I remember sleepovers in Grade 7 with my best friend. She would always bring her F.R.I.E.N.D.S. DVDs and make us stay up all night to watch an entire season. Which character were you? I was a combination of Monica, Chandler and Ross with aspirations to be pretty/popular like Rachel. Never paid much attention to Pheobe because she was offbeat. Like Rachel once said, “Honey you’re related, you live far, you lift right out!”

Back then, bestie would act along to every episode/read lips. This miniseries is for a narrow audience. I cut out audio for both copyright and artistic reasoning, pairing captions in direct response to Phoebe scenes that highlight our common traits and revelations in personal identity with troll-like editing. God bless the duality of Regina Phalange and Phoebe Buffay.