What do you want? What do you need?
Let's plan design a blueprint; build omni channel user experiences and community.



Brand has just experienced growth spurt. Existing brand assets are overused, file management is getting messy as team expands, workspace and morale needs a refresher. Increase in productivity and efficiency desired. Now is a good time for another look at the path of brand development & reorganize as necessary.


Personal brand like fine artist, wants fresh perspective, more structure for their path of innovation. Perhaps facing creative blockages. Needs accountability. Personal brand needs to be mapped out on paper (blueprint). Muse, producing, curation.


Building an empire from the ground up. Everything from naming to designing digital and physical products, commercial spaces, project management, recruitment, and training programs needed. All designed with cohesion. Expressed internally and through marketing, website, fonts, pictures, colors, everything.


Synonymous with identity. Can be a company, an alter-ego, product based, a cat ... #socialmedia. A brand does not have to be a business but a business is a brand.


Brand with conceptual origins heavily inspired by the root person’s most authentic self possible.


Holistic thinkers and makers. Individuals that have their own areas of expertise. Brand architects translate your ideas into blueprints and create systems, problem-solve, fuse function with fashion.


Ennis works 1-on-1 with founders, CMO’s, artists, creatives thinkers. She can play a hybrid role of consultant and short-term partner to boost processes. Projects may refer to an individual for life coaching purposes, an incorporated company for brand development, or anything in between.

Ennis applies 15 years of experience
in 3 realms towards her practice.

1. Branding/Design
2. Food/Hospitality
3. Art/Education

Additional work in archives



Align, Balance, Connect. A practice in duality. The only constant is change. Sometimes less is more.

Self-Love / Actualization

Self-love is a combination of self-awareness and self-respect. Self-love can translate into powerful insight of the individual, or to practice analytical/emotional thinking that also applies to brand development.

Self-love unlocks one’s most authentic self. The most successful brands are unique, therefore memorable.


Ennis documents her discovery process, primarily through photography but also short/long form video, audio only, etc. Assets can be used for social media content to gain real-time audience feedback or saved for the future to reflect on brand growth. These assets often translate back into brand blueprints one way or another.


If it can be thought, it can be produced. Demonstration of deliverables organized by dimension.


Anything flat. Photographs, stickers, abstract painting, a new cafe menu printed on edible rice paper...


Psychological, multi-sensory experiences, service based i.e. life coaching for women, personal brand development, muse energy.


Digital products like PDFs, website, apps, licensed playlist, video, auditory branding elements, etc.


Where properties of length, width and height are important ie. books, magazines, packaging, sculptures, fashion pieces, furniture, architecture.


Asean Corner Store


Miami Crypto Index

Moonlight Exchange

National Museum of Hip-Hop

On-Retainer Agency

Punch Boxing

Upright Oats

See also: testimonials and LeeDeli.me, a personal brand for self-lovers (21+)